A lot of people who try their hand at Facebook marketing are quick to say that it’s a failure and that it doesn’t work. What they’re doing is they’re engaging in sour grapes. They don’t know how it works. They don’t know how to optimize their campaigns. They think that since it did not produce the kind of results they were expecting, then it must be a useless source of traffic. No. They’re just doing it wrong.
The good news is you don’t have to be one of those people. They struggle because they tried to figure out Facebook from scratch. They tried to learn Facebook on their own, and they ended up spending too much money while getting minimal results and eventually, failing.
You don’t have to do that. There is an alternative path for you. There is an easy way to achieve success on Facebook. How? Reverse engineering. To put it simply, you figure out what your competitors are doing, and you learn valuable lessons from the way they run their Facebook pages, as well as the content that they share so you can achieve better results. Here’s how you do it.
1- Find and like your competitors’ pages and groups
The first thing that you need to do is get a massive list of your competitors. Find them on Facebook and join them. Of course, you’re going to use an individual account for this.
You’re not going to use an account that is somehow, someway linked to your fan page. You’re going to have to do this incognito. Find as many of their pages as possible and like them. Find all their groups and join those.
2 – Sit back and pay attention to their content
Once you’ve joined all these places, sit back and pay attention to the content they’re receiving. You should be able to see some patterns. You should be able to connect the dots.
You would notice that nine times out of ten, they share the same type of content. Maybe this content talks about a common theme. Perhaps it focuses on specific common topics. Whatever the case may be, the same stuff crops up again and again. Pay attention to that pattern.
3 – Analyze their most engaged users
Now that you have a clear idea of the type of content your competitors keep talking about, the next step is to look at the users that always keep commenting. Pay attention to the users that keep liking and keep sharing.
What are their interests? Do they share common interests? You’d be surprised as to what you will find because you will notice that the most engaged people, seemingly different as they are, share a handful of common interests. That is a significant clue. That clue can make you a lot of money.
4 – How to take advantage of reverse engineered consumer intelligence information using free promotions
Use the following free promotions to take advantage of the information you got through reverse engineering. First, you can post similar content. Your engagement levels go up in your target audience members because you are sharing related content.
Second, look at your content patterns and figure out your most popular content. Once you’ve identified this popular content, share similar types of content. It enables you to increase the engagement level of your page, pretty much uniformly.
It doesn’t happen overnight, but with enough attention to detail, this will happen. You scale up the amount of a very popular content that you’re already sharing. You then republish the same type of content over an extended period, so you can reach more people as more and more of your audience members engage with your content at a higher level.
5 – How to leverage this information with paid ad campaigns
If you’re paying for your ads, you use your audience insights to get clues as to how to target new eyeballs for your direct ad links or your page posts. Make sure that they share common interests with your competitors’ users.
Also, when you profile the most engaged users that your competitors have, you should use the same common set of interests when targeting your ads. It can increase your click-through rate and ultimately, your conversion.